Bringing together cyber security leaders from across the Central Eurasia region.

CSS CISO COMMUNITY is an end user only, member only community established to encourage dialogue, collaboration and awareness between cyber security leaders from across Central Eurasia and to drive c-level engagement, visibility and attendance at the most important cyber security event in the region, Cyber Security Summit - Central Eurasia.
Membership Benefits

Complimentary Participation at CSS 2025
| 1 complimentary 2 day delegate pass to CSS 2025 including coffee breaks.
| Discounted price for additional delegate passes. (Starting from $60).

Annual Social Evening
| Take advantage of the opportunity to attend the community's annual social evening being held during CSS in 2025.
| Tickets are limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Have your say
| Provide your opinions on the topics discussed at the Cyber Security Summit 2025.
| Contribute to the regional cyber security dialogue.

| Be part of the largest regional network of CISO's.
| Find-a-Vendor Introductory service.

Exclusive groups
| Member only, private Telegram and LinkedIn groups for community information sharing.

Logo acknowledgement
| Your company logo will appear on the community website page as a member.
| We will announce your membership to other members via the community social media groups.

Exclusive member offers
| As available from time to time.
Our Advisory Committee
The role of the advisory committee is to shape the development of the CISO community and to advise the organising committee on the development of CISO specific content on the conference programme and at associated events.